Sorry I just can’t help myself.

For all those waiting for me to post my true thought on Facebook this video sums them all up but my words are a bit stronger. Perhaps not a good idea to show it to your kids :

Thanks to Alan Levine for sharing it from Suw Charman-Anderson post.


Happy for you to try and change my thoughts on Facebook.

But don’t even think about that Twitter song, Alan. I’ve got totally different feelings towards twitter 🙂 .

20 responses to “My Post On Facebook You’ve Been Waiting For”

  1. I have found a very good way not to be tired of FB: I do not use it 😉


  2. Hmmm. While I agree the applications are for the most part pointless, Facebook (now with integrated chat) enables those who are less inclined to take the time to create blogs, etc, to keep in contact with others…usually those they actually know. The standard formatting allows for easy navigation. As far as social networking goes…Facebook is perhaps the more powerful.


  3. […] – dinosaur comics – April 24 2008 wrote an interesting post today on My Post On Facebook You’ve Been Waiting For | Mobile Technology in…Here’s a quick excerpt […]


  4. @Christophe yes I noticed 🙂 and contrary to what you may think I hardily use it either. I was just curious about you and since your public profile is less than mine it’s harder to find out more about who you are 🙂 . I’m like an open book with litter spread across the Internet where people can get a good impression of who I am and what I stand for. Although I have had one student tell me that’s sad really – Sue.

    @Joel I would have to say Facebook is the most powerful social network so far I’ve seen because it has engage the common person, regardless of age, to want to use. So people who wouldn’t normally have a presence on the Internet are using. But I’m still allowed to hate passionately 🙂

    @Laura I know. But what side of the fence are you FB lover or hater?


  5. […] Sue Waters wrote an interesting post today on My Post On Facebook You’ve Been Waiting ForHere’s a quick excerptSorry I just can’t help myself. For all those waiting for me to post my true thought on Facebook this video sums them all up but my words are a bit stronger. Perhaps not a good idea to show it to your kids . … […]


  6. Love the video, Sue – agree totally but…I am finding that people are finding me, professionally, through Facebook so I feel I have to have a presence, there much against my better judgement.


  7. OK, I do actually hate pretty much everything about Facebook mentioned in this video, BUT, I like being able to connect with people who may not be as active online as I am. And, as Sarah mentions above, I’m finding a lot of professional connections through Facebook as well, so it’s worth having a profile.

    I definitely don’t spend a lot of time there and haven’t invested too much in my profile, but it’s a good middle-of-the road tool for keeping in touch with people.

    I’m not sure if you saw my tweet a few weeks ago, but a cousin of mine actually found me through FB – totally unexpected and wonderful.

    So, I have to admit, as much as I hate those requests/hugs/pokes/games/quizes/etc FB does have some useful aspects for me (especially when I frequently “ignore” application requests).


  8. Add me to the FB haters list. I am a FB member (joined a long time ago) but I think I’d rather run the risk of people not finding me on-line than have to maintain my FB profile.


  9. @Sarah Look unfortunately I have to agree having a web presence in FB offers just another way for people to connect with you. For your particular target group it’s probably the best tool you could use because of it’s appeal to the masses.

    @Kim exactly for the same reasons as you I have a FB profile. It’s also nice to get contacted by former students through FB. Although sometime I think I need to spend a bit more time in FB to make sure my profile looks presentable.

    @janning Glad to see I have one for my team. It does concern me that I’m not making sure my profile looks okay in FB.


  10. @mscofino : What about something more specific like linkedin to find professional connection ?
    @Sue : I use FB only to test our FB apps. Apart from that, I do not yet see any interest for me in using it. I find that the information is not scoped/categorized enough for me. Maybe I’m lazy and I do not like to have to read too many uninteresting stuff before I find something interesting 😉
    However, I understand that I probably do not invested enough time to know how to use it correctly.


  11. Totally agree and the video is fabulous! Very funny and professional (regarding the technical part).


  12. There’s something about Facebook that has never attracted me ….blogging is a different feel and category, more personal yet can maintain privacy … so yes I loved the video!


  13. @Christophe Linkedin fits in a funny category with the educators. Definitely a very important community for the web community and web developers but not huge with educators. I don’t read anything in FB and only respond to messages from it.

    @Ronaldo this video was brilliant and definitely well done.

    @Marie glad to hear I have another FB hater on my team. Perhaps this is the issue bloggers don’t necessarily get FB and regular mainstream FB people definitely misunderstand what blogging is about.


  14. Thanks for the giggle! I do use facebook a little & think it can have its place, but I really hate the endless apps and silliness there.


  15. @christophe I use Linked In and a bunch of other networks as well. Basically I try to be where the people I want to connect with are. A lot of them are on FB.


  16. Hmm Sue you might be banned by the Facebook crowd. 😉 Nice video.

    Is it now safe for me to say some other 2.0 tools are about as interesting as facebook?


    Ok I will go back to VR 1.0 World and wait. 🙂



  17. @Soutravelers3 – I could imagine with your traveling that Facebook would be one of the best ways of maintaining contact with your friends. My International students all use Facebook to connect with their friends in different countries.

    @mscofino I’m not so into LinkedIn. Do you use the LinkedIn questions at all? And if so how do the responses compare to twitter?

    @Dan Happy to be banned from Facebook (oh I suppose I shouldn’t wish for that). Whether we like it or not most Web 2.0 tools can help us with our work.


  18. Sue,
    Believe me with some of the technologies and changes in store for computers in general, in the next decade or so, products like Facebook are unlikely to make the transition. Facebook from a technical perspective is an appalling bad application anyway and grates on me for that reason alone.

    We are as a company developing online tools, that could be branded 2.0 if you wish, but I trust by the time people see them they won’t be as I suspect that will hinder their chances of success. The technologies are intended to outlast that phase in personal computing anyway and introduce us to a new market beyond that.

    The changes to how we do computing, the user interfaces, the online and offline models are going to undergo radical changes in some areas and it will be industry lead if history is any guide.

    My best guess is the online world will one day seem as significant as the “Multimedia PC” was to another era. Just a subset of something much bigger. People who point out the online experience in isolation, will be seen as being a bit odd! In gaming we have already made that transition with online gaming on PC’s and the latest generation game consoles, seeing as just another feature and not that special anymore.

    But you know the one thing education can do in all this change? It can make sure we leave no one behind and that we have inclusiveness – online and offline. That we look and question the social issues, the access to and the fairness of this new technology for everyone. That we see how it compliments – not supersedes what we already do as educators. I’m afraid I am not seeing education doing that. What I am seeing if anything it is dividing people in the education community into the “2.0 online crowd” and “the rest”.

    That is a shame and a source of real disappointment to me, as the online experience is part of much bigger changes that are coming and we need everyone on board that train. 2.0 will be a footnote in IT history soon enough when the VC funding and “me too” companies fail to monetise their products successfully.

    The future beyond that is what is exciting to me.

    Soooo.. nah I’ll give Facebook a pass and try my best to never say 2.0 on my blog! 🙂



  19. Bill Genereux Avatar
    Bill Genereux

    I’ve been drawn into Facebook as of late. I set up a profile when it first came out, but did nothing with it.

    Last summer, I taught a summer course with at-risk HS students (I normally teach college level.) Those kids found me on FB. All year I’ve been ignoring their requests to play the silly FB games.

    However, recently a couple new developments have me rethinking the value of Facebook.

    I was able to recruit one of these students to attend college at my school to study in my new digital degree program… using Facebook for communications.

    I have been live chatting with a student that I thought really didn’t like me or my class last summer. Turns out, I was his favorite teacher. He’s not doing so well in school, but in our regular online Facebook chats I can encourage him to keep trying.

    I think as it grows and evolves, it will be more and more useful. For example, one of the hardest things to do is keep track of our graduates as they enter the work force. I see Facebook as the ideal way to do this.

    Don’t discount Facebook. On the surface, it looks silly (but blogs looked silly to me a few weeks ago). The superfluous apps give it the appearance of being superfluous, but I think it all depends upon how it is used.

    I think there’s great potential here.


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