Today I was invited into Alec Couros’s EC&I 831 course to have a conversation on the Al Upton Situation. Cindy Seibel, one of his participants, contacted Alec to ask if they could discuss the Al Upton and the miniLegend blog Order for Closure and fallout in class this week, and suggested my Parental Consent, Use of Student Images and The MiniLegends Closure post is a great summary; providing almost an agenda for discussion.

Alec’s EC&I 831 is a graduate course on Computers in the Classroom: Appropriate Curriculum and Instruction Related to Computer Technology for the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina in Canada. His course participants have a wide array of backgrounds including educators, technology specialists, Principals and school administrators.

Accessing the Ustream Recording

The conversation was beamed out via Ustream with global participants joining the ustream chat and Skype conference call. And I’ve decided, it’s official, I’m not the best at maintaining my thoughts while also following chats (easily distracted) but fortunately there was lots of other great conversation happening via Skype and Ustream Chat.

You can access the Ustream recording from the session here and Alec will be posting it as a podcast on his blog later. The Ustream chat is 13 pages long in Word, which is too much for this post so I’ve taken the liberty of summarizing snippets below.

Private/Public Blogs & Guidelines For Educators

Colette Cassinelli highlighted her thoughts that we don’t want private blogs because that defeats the purpose of a global community.

Ryan Flood directed us to Clarence Fisher’s Is Blogging Dangerous? post to highlight the reality that Al’s situation isn’t an isolated incident and has happened to other educators in the past few years.

Laurie Gatzke said she had heard some time ago that the consent forms are a distractor. They would have a hard time standing up in a court of law.

Laurie Gatzke agreed that many of us are moving ahead faster than our districts can keep up. However, in our district I think it is a small percentage. There are not guidelines for this. As a parent I can understand that. We want to protect our kids.

Risks/Reality of Online Stalkers

Rob Wall asked “How much of a risk are online stalkers? More or less of a risk than taking a field trip on a bus, for example? Any answers? What are the actual, documented risks that students are exposed to by having their name, picture, blog, etc. online? And how many of the face to face predators find kids online? Jim Ellis agreed that Rob’s questions are very important and that no one can answer them properly because he didn’t there were real figures.

Derrall Garrison thinks that reports such as the PEW report in Oct had lessened some of the fear. Colette Cassinelli said check out APA Press Release – Internet Offenders Target Teens, not Young Children—Rarely Use Force, Abduction or Deception; we need to speak up and share how we teach digital citizenship to aleve any fears out there. She also says we need to keep the educating, educating, educating — not denying. Rob Wall suggested we check out Dean Shareski’s I’m telling you for the last time post which discusses key sections from the APA Press Release.

Doug Symington said it’s important to address these issues to avoid “chill” re:web in education.

Images, Avatars & Pseudos

Colette Cassinelli suggests that kids less than 13 can draw photos of themselves instead of posting photos; a lot of primary teachers using scanned drawings for avatars for VoiceThread. Doug Symington thinks that hand-drawn avatars, as an example, might be better than actual photos of youngsters. Laurie Gatzke said students in her class just made videos without any faces appearing on them. All of their props etc were either hand drawn or done in some other creative way.

Lisa Durff recommended Portrait Illustrator as a good way for students to create their own avatars. Her belief is all minors should use pseudos and says the parents think she’s too severe with this online identity thing however she feels online safety of the child is above all. bircherd-1 said I make my student use nicknames in the class blog.

Owning The Tool & Need To Educate

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach said:

The risk is with teachers do not own the tools first. Teachers should use the tools first personally and professionally BEFORE they use them with kid. Kids that learn to use the tools within the safety net of a tech using teacher’s classroom are safer than a kid who gets online outside that safety net at home.

Bottom line this whole issue should serve a signal to all of us that we need to be able to advocate for the tools we use and why. Yes, but if a parent had complained about something he said in class or a book he used.. would the reaction have been the same? Part of the advocacy piece needs to be with us helping to educate parents as to the changes. I want to teach my students discernment so they know how to make right choices. I explain the choices I make and why.

By doing these kinds of things we can teach and model digital citizenship. As educators we need to help teach the kids the responsible ways to use the tools. Lincoln said.. the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next generation. Part of our job is to indoctrinate in this case — responsible use of the new technologies.

We teach them not to talk to strangers and not to answer the phone when parents aren’t home. Educators traditionally have had the responsibility of helping the next generation understand how to use the tools safely.

As Dennis Richards said kids are using the internet without guidance. If we don’t give them guidance, they will never develop it.

Where Now?

We need to continue to debate these issues, find the research and develop our thoughts. Plus, as Alec Couros pointed out, we need to move this discussion, and what we learn, from the blogosphere to educating parents, other educators and decision makers. Any suggestions on the HOW?

20 responses to “Conversation On Al Upton Situation With Alec Couros’s EC&I 831 Class”

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  2. Al Upton

    “We need to move this discussion, and what we learn, from the blogosphere to educating parents, other educators and decision makers. Any suggestions on the HOW?”

    Here’s my answer to HOW.

    I’ve been advocating this since my Web 2.0 awakening that really took off during the k12onlineconference in October 2007.

    This weekend I put up a wiki page about it when I was in New Orleans attending the ASCD international conference. Except for a few responses, however, the message on the page seems to have fallen by the wayside. Maybe I’m too ______ (you fill in the blank). Maybe the message is out of touch with reality.

    Obviously I don’t think so. (What’s that a sign of???) We are so busy that we are like the people who won’t change whom we criticize. Like them we have mental models and, unless we are “being metacognitive,” everything we encounter has to fit the model. If it’s outside that realm, it “doesn’t compute.” Pun intended! That, in my humble opinion is a big problem.

    Yesterday Liz McGonagle and I, trying to shift the conversation to mainstream circles, gave a Claiming What We Imagine: Kids Global Climate Change presentation at the MassCUE Technology Leadership Symposium in two sessions to about 120 people. How is this a shift? Many of those who attended our sessions could not successfully complete a simple Web 2.0 matching quiz we gave them. Once we had that data, it was overdrive in shift mode. Our goal was to help them learn about work we are doing using Web 2.0 tools and pedagogy to inspire teachers to empower kids ~ and they listened! Only a couple left the room early. Did we hit the mark? Haven’t seem the evaluations yet. But we walked out of the echo chamber and it felt good to shift the conversation.

    Unless we all shift our attention to educating mainstream educational circles, Web 2.0 will not find it’s appropriate place in classrooms throughout the world. The unfortunate result will be that fear and misunderstanding will prevail and situations like Al Upton’s will become the norm rather than the exception to the rule. That will be painful for us, but a tragedy for the kids who will not learn the 21st century literacies that NCTE and you and I know the world is going to need if the global climate is to be more creative, significant and positive than it currently is.

    Now is the time for change; I hope I’m not out of touch?

    Regards, all.


  3. Thanks for this valuable info. I did a presentation today (Your Online Presence) and referred to it and other issues we’ve seen lately.


  4. I’m in Alec’s class and missed last night’s discussion due to parent conferences. Thank you for summarizing the session. I’ve been blogging with my grade 6&7 class for over a year and last week set up a blog for our grade 2&3 class. I’ve been following the Al Upton situation and what the implications are for the rest of us.


  5. Susan,
    Is your presentation available online? I’d like to view it.


  6. What a thorough, witty, intelligent summary of all that went on and what’s going on in the blogosphere about this. I learn something every time I visit your blog!


  7. There is no going back; kids, parents and all educators need to be prepared for communications in the 21st century.



  8. I also enjoyed the presentation. I am in the 831 class as well.

    I have a class blog with my grade 12 students ( as my digital project and I have been concerned with promotion of the blog as well as security. I believe (from the conversation that night) and your blog post that we must continue as educators to educate and inform students, staff and parents about technology. Of course it moves faster than we think!


  9. […] join us on our Ustream/Skype discussion. She has excellent posts regarding this closure and a summary of our discussion. Much of the conversation centered around the reason for the government taking action. We […]


  10. […] of the famous native Kentuckian, dioramas tracing his life and a … On Al Upton Situation With Alec Couros??s EC&ampI 831 Class Today I was invited into Alec Couros??s EC&ampI 831 course to have a conversation on the Al Upton […]


  11. […] as described by Sharon Peters, one of our previous guest lecturers. To be able to chat with Sue Walters and others from Australia added an element to the conversation that I really can’t […]


  12. Hi Dennis – it doesn’t surprise me that most of your participants were unable to complete your Web 2.0 quiz. We all seems to be facing similar issues to open others eyes to the possibilities. Unfortunately it is a process of change; and we are talking about a major change which probably will take 5-10 years. While it is happening we will just have to keep educating others and it will start to trickle out. The conversation is available on ustream however Alec is also trying to turn it into a podcast. Meanwhile you can listen to Al Upton’s podcasts – I linked to them all from my wiki.

    Thanks Susan for your feedback and I hope it helped you with your own presentation.

    Hi Kimberley – sorry you weren’t able to join us in the conversation but glad the information I shared helped. What’s happening to Al and the issues it raises provides plenty of food for thought.

    Heya Kerry – thanks! Although too much Easter enjoyment has left me a bit lost for blogging words these past few days.

    I agree Marie – there is no turning back and we need to all rise to the needs.

    Glad you enjoyed the conversation Dave. We definitely need to continue to educate and inform our students.


  13. […] did an amazing job recording the details and summarizing this conversation, including many of the the major points brought up by course participants and other Ustream guests. […]


  14. Thank you for linking to my blog! I should also mention that only 8th graders with parental permission may do any ustreaming. I need to speak with a parent face to face before I will even consider ustreaming 8th graders. I want to be sure parents understand and give permission even though our AUP already secures this permission. Our next great challenge is parent education, as most families don’t use any filtering at home. Parents need to understand why these filters are necessary and be given the information necessary for installing.


  15. Always happy to link to your blog Durff and excellent point about educating parents especially in relation to filters.


  16. […] Couros and his EC&I class talked through some of the issues around the miniLegends closure with Sue Waters. There the participants talked around whether the use of pseudonyms reduced the authenticity of a […]


  17. […] Alec to ask if they could discuss the Al Upton and the miniLegend blog Order for Closure and f…Two Illinois Youth Honored for Volunteerism at National Award Ceremony in Washington, D.C. Business […]


  18. […] Conversation On Al Upton Situation With Alec Couros’s EC&I 831 Class And how many of the face to face predators find kids online? Jim Ellis agreed that Rob’s questions are very important and that no one can answer them properly because he didn’t there were real figures. … […]


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