Finally I can shared some really cool and exciting news of my latest venture. A few weeks ago James Farmer, founder of Edublogs, approached me to ask if I was willing to be the editor of The Edublogger, a blog set up by Edublogs dedicated to helping educational bloggers with using emerging technologies in education, share their own experiences and promote the blogging medium.

The concept was that I would keep doing the kind of stuff that I already do well, but also do it at a central place within Edublogs. My passion has always been about HELPING OTHERS learn how to use these technologies; so I jumped at the opportunity! Bit of an understatement — but I am extremely excited to be involved with The Edublogger because it increases my potential to interact and connect with a larger community, hopefully helping even more people.

What This Means?

Well I will be continuing to blog, as usual, here at Mobile Technology in TAFE and will be blogging at The Edublogger. To be honest, at the moment, while it is all exciting there is also a sense of fear as you can probably imagine moving to blogging in a more central location.

I would really appreciate your help and support as The Edublogger journey gets underway. Definitely feel that I need to do more tweaking with The Edublogger. Would love some help with an audit of The Edublogger. How does the About page sound? Were there better words I could have used? Does it need more images? Not convinced by the tagline “Tips, tricks, ideas and help with using web 2.0 technologies and edublogs” — what are your thoughts? Can you recommend a better one? Are there any widgets I need to add/remove?

Also if you can tell me what interests you, in terms of what topics you would love to read on the Edublogger, that would also be great!


Special thanks to Chris and Kate (quinncd) for letting me use their photos (of me) on The Edublogger site! For those that were wondering about what keeps me going — look closely at the photo!

Thanks to all my readers who take the time to read my posts and for letting me know that what I write makes a difference in your life. Hopefully you will also join me at the Edublogger – here is the link to it’s feed Subscribe in a reader

And if you’re enjoying Mobile Technology in TAFE blog, please consider subscribing for free.

17 responses to “A New Journey Begins: Introducing The Edublogger!”

  1. Wow, Sue, that’s fantastic. It is a great opportunity and you will be able to help people with all the things you have already got. You have so much knowledge and have made good resources. I will be subscribing for sure.


  2. Congrats! Sue. A well deserved offer. Look forward to seeing your work in this field. I will subscribe as well.


  3. Congratulations, Sue!

    This is an exciting step for you and I’m sure you’ll do a spectacular job.

    Added Edublogger to my Google Reader. Looking forward to your insights and assistance.

    Best of luck!



  4. Yay! I’m so happy for you – you’ve been recognized for the wonderful work you do. I’ll be reading Edublogger faithfully.


  5. […] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt […]


  6. Congratulations Sue. A place to put all those extra posts and ideas you have that would otherwise flood MTiT. Tailor made for you.

    I remember you saying that you usually chose the least relevant blog titles and domain names – I think this one is rip-roaringly appropriate.

    Once again…congrats.


  7. […] Mobile Technology in TAFE wrote an interesting post today on A New Journey Begins: Introducing The Edublogger!Here’s a quick excerpt Finally I can shared some really cool and exciting news of my latest venture. A few weeks ago James Farmer, founder of Edublogs, approached me to ask if I was willing to be the editor of The Edublogger, a blog set up by Edublogs dedicated to helping educational bloggers with using emerging technologies in education, share their own experiences and promote the blogging medium. The concept was that I would keep doing the kind of stuff that I already do well, but also do it at a central place wit […]


  8. This is great news Sue. I am sure you will have a lot of fun with web2.0 tools in Edublogs.

    It such a scalable platform and gives teacher the perfect base for their online PLE adventures.


  9. Well, you are THE EduBlogger! Great move for us all.


  10. Thanks Jo, Murcha (Anne), Diane, Mrs Olsen (Kate), Kathryn and Paul – for your encouragement, support and for subscribing to the Edublogger. Unfortunately Kathryn we will have to give James the credit for both the name and URL of the website (and the tagline — which isn’t working for me at the moment).

    I agree with you totally Paul — I enjoy using the Edublogs platform and it is a prefect base.


  11. Congratulations Sue –

    It’s so great to see Edublogger recognise all of the fabulous work that you do in the area of learning online.


  12. Congratulations Sue; hope you enjoy the job!


  13. Nice one – enjoy the ride!! and don’t forget to tell the people at work how famous you are now 🙂


  14. Fabulous news, Sue! I’ll look forward to your continued contributions to the world 🙂


  15. Yea, more Sue wisdom! You’ll have to let us know how you have fit in even more blogging and web2.0.


  16. Good news indeed 🙂 Look forward to the continued content that pushes the challenge for us to get informal educators and non-teacher youth sector workers in the UK to catch up with the formal education sector 🙂


  17. Thanks Alan, Allison, Philip, Judy, Cammy, Christine and Tim for your support and encouragement. Sorry Alan your wrote your comment as I was writing my thanks to the previous commenters.

    Christine – not sure how I will fit more in – as I make each day last 48 hrs.

    Tim – not sure if you need more push. You are doing some really incredible work there! Keep it up.


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