bloggerswhocreatecommunityaward.jpgMichele Martin from The Bamboo Blog presented me with the Bloggers Who Create Community Award! The purpose of this award is to show gratitude to bloggers whose focus is on building communities.

Here is what Michele had to say:

Sue Waters of Mobile Technology in TAFE is one of the most incredibly helpful bloggers around. Not only does she build community through her own blog, she spends seemingly unlimited amounts of time surfing the web to assist others, making masterful use of her co-mments account to follow conversations and dispense helpful advice.

Thank you Michele! I’m honored by this, as community building is a key to achieving my goal of helping others. I just wish that I had been given the opportunity to present the award to you on behalf of the community members from the 31 Day Project and Better Blog community because you were responsible for bringing us all together — enabling the communities to connect, share, grow, collaborate and learn together! We all OWE YOU so much!

With the honor comes some responsibility–to pass it along to three other bloggers. Not a responsibility to be taken lightly; which is why it has taken me 10 days to write this post. Everything I do– the help, assistance and mentoring is paying back the time others make for me. Would love to give the award to so many people, for so many different reasons, but I know my three picks for Bloggers Who Build Community will pay this award forward and the number of bloggers awarded for building communities will grow!

So here are my three picks for Bloggers Who Build Community:

Darren Draper, Drape’s Take

Lets be honest — giving Darren an award, with any type of rule attached, is a frightening thought because he is well known for changing rules and is incredible funny. But those who know him well would agree he totally deserve this award for all his edublogger community support and his work with the Global Open Professional Development – Social Software in the Classroom. I am humbled by Darren’s incredible diplomatic skills in the global community.

Kathryn Greenhill, Librarians Matters

Kathryn is such an amazing and inspirational person; who works incredibly hard supporting and encouraging people in the online community and in our local blogging community here in Perth. I have gained and learnt so much from her. While she is well known for her blog and Second Life — check out the great work she did this year for the 23 Things Project for Murdoch University Library.

Judy O’Connell, Hey Jude

What can one say about Judy? Although I have never meet her; I think she may be a kindred spirit! Cheeky, funny, good at leading me astray (in a good way) and always making time to encourage others in her community. So many people, from some many places in the World, have gained so much from Judy. If you haven’t checked out her Web 2.0 Notes — do so!


To me, all three of these bloggers do great things within their community, encouraging comments and making themselves accessible to their readers. They’re great role models and mentors for me.

Please help me congratulate the winners by visiting their websites and sending a note of congratulations and encouragement to each.

And if you’re enjoying this blog, please consider subscribing for free.

8 responses to “Bloggers Who Build Communities Award”

  1. […] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt […]


  2. Congrats on the award! In the short time that we’ve been communicating you’ve been such an inspiration and have provided excellent blogging tips. I’ve been attempting to follow your advice and have been creating community little by little. Thanks so much for serving as my blogging mentor 🙂


  3. Congratulations!! Great thank you speech for a well deserved award 😉


  4. Hi Kate – thanks for the congratulations and always happy to be helping others and mentor others. Glad my tips are helping you.

    Danielle – thanks but your post was sooo much better with such excellent tips for your readers. You certainly deserve the award for all the work you do building your own community.


  5. Sue^3,

    First, I can’t think of a person more deserving of this award than yourself. You are constantly sharing new ideas, tips, and tricks (for newbies and ol’ pros alike) that make it a pleasure to work with you. I’ve been extremely impressed with how willing you’ve been to take so many educators by the hand, leading them through the initial stages of incorporating social software into their curriculum.

    Second, I’m honored to be nominated by you and – perhaps just this once – will gladly follow the rules. 🙂


  6. I would like to ad to the comments and congratulate Sue on the much deserved award. Sue has been helped me build a twitter community and develop a social network that will flow through to my classroom, school and the wider Victorian educational network. Your blogs and tips, links and general advice are much appreciated. Well done!


  7. I would like to ad to the comments and congratulate Sue on the much deserved award. Sue has spent much time in helping me join into and build a twitter community and develop a social network that will flow through to my classroom, school and the wider Victorian educational network. Your blogs and tips, links and general advice are much appreciated. Well done!


  8. G’day Sue. Thanks for the award ….I’m totally snowed under right now and have slowed down my blogging radically ..what a time for you to nominate me 🙂

    Thanks very much – but like you, I think it may be a character flaw (errrr…trait ) that keeps me sticking my nose into other people’s business and trying to help …

    Anyhow, thanks again…. will think about my three in a couple of weeks when I resurface …


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