Decided to give myself another title to add to “Most Disorganised Traveler of the Year Award!” and “Crazy Mutlitasker” “Smart Conference Sharing To Your Readers!” [image by sridgway]

Before I came to the conference I debated how to share the information from mLearn 2007 conference with my readers, without overloading them! My concerns were live blogging may overwhelm my readers (too many posts) and at the moment live blogging does not fit how I like to learn and write posts.

I would love to be able to live blog like Carole did at Alan Levine’s session on Being There. She was absolutely incredible — was able to listen to what Alan was saying and then blog live about her reflections on what he was saying at the same time — compare what she has posted with what I wrote. I like to write what is being said and reflect more deeply later whereas she was reflecting as she was writing! I have to give her the “Incredible Reflective Live Blogger” title as she was sitting next to me writing this post!

So my brain was ticking over–how do I ensure that readers that want regular updates from the mlearning conference get what they want, I learn how I like to learn and other readers get the posts they like?

Simple the answer is my wiki! What I have done is set up a page on my Mobile Technology in TAFE wiki specifically for the conference. I searched technorati for posts on the conference and added RSS feeds from each blog site to this page. This means that my readers can read news as it is happening from people who are live blogging — I can add new feeds to the page when I find new bloggers posting on the conference and it takes the pressure of me to feel the need to satisfy readers on my own blog! Team work in action from everyone!

How did I know to add the RSS feeds from blogs? Well Frances is a great friend and she showed me how she did it with her student blogs — check out her instructions. Frances ROCKS!

So on my wiki page for the mlearn 2007 conference I have:

  • Elluminate session schedule that people can download so they can join the live sessions if they choose
  • RSS feeds from each blog that is posting on the conference
  • Photos feed from the conference
  • Links to websites where people have located information about their presentation
  • Twitter feed from mlearn2007

This makes it easier for:

  • My readers to keep updated with the latest information
  • Me to go through the information from the conference, reflect on what has happened at the conference and then write the information in a form that suits how I want to learn

Please let me know your thoughts? Is the wiki helpful? If so, have I missed anything?

Apologies to all the fantastic people that I have meet in the past few days — and my readers who want to hear about them — but even for this multitasker it is hard to keep on top of all that I am doing — the posts are coming. In the meantime stay tuned and watch the wiki page for the latest updates.

8 responses to “Smart Conference Sharing With Your Readers! How To Do It And Survive!”

  1. Yowzers! Great idea Sue. Wikis are neat tools after all. I used to hate ’em, but am now a convert.


  2. Sue,
    I’m with you, I can’t live blog either. I always need some reflection time before anything can be coherent.

    One of the conferences I was at recently used We just all tagged the posts the same and this site gathered them all up, along with the photos and such.


  3. […] dswaters wrote an interesting post today on Smart Conference Sharing With Your Readers! How To Do It And Survive!Here’s a quick excerptWhat I have done is set up a page on my Mobile Technology in TAFE wiki specifically for the conference. I searched technorati for posts on the conference and added RSS feeds from each blog site to this page. This means that my readers … […]


  4. Thanks Sue
    Now I can keep up on what you are all doing
    Have Fun 🙂


  5. Gosh, Sue, I am gob-smacked. I can’t wait to try some of this out at the next conference I am at. However, I am wondering how easy it will be at a conference that has limited Internet access.


  6. Great post, Sue! I’m working on a post for better conferencing and this is going on the list of resources!


  7. Kate – It really gets back to how you use a wiki. When I first saw wikis I really hated them. But that was because the ones I were shown just contained links to lots of different sites. I like to be given concise information with only important links.

    The wiki looks like it is working well. Next week or later on I may need to change RSS feeds to links to the posts.

    Christine – Look it is probably me but with so many sessions over so many days – it would have been tiring for me and overwhelming for my readers. And those that started live blogging looked like they stopped eventually – perhaps for this reason.

    Well we did suggest that people use mlearn07 but what ended up happening was people used a range of tags – which is okay just harder for me to find the feeds.

    Frances – I am glad this helped you keep up and hope you are feeling better?

    Sarah – I actually wrote my notes into Word – so did not have to access the web and linked to the sites when I was in my hotel room. Located the feeds by searching Technorati and Flickr. So the key is to be set up with an effective method of doing it.

    People will blog about the event and not necessarily live. And if they don’t doesn’t matter because a wiki page will let you organise the information that you can then blog later if you choose.

    Michele – I will watch out for it . Looks like I need to follow up with some extra tips from what I learnt.


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