Alan Levine (Cog Dog Blog) is just about to start his Australia Cross Country Tour and was nice enough to do an interview with me. Since James Farmer was so pleased to be me, with added speech bubbles, I felt that I could not let Alan miss out by just uploading the audio to my podcast site. [image by umwdtlt]

So here is a snippet of Alan’s full interview made into a video! And you can check out the audio from the full interview on my podcast site.

Australia Cross Country Tour

Alan has customised sessions he will be presenting in Australia based on input from the local Australian Flexible Learning Framework contacts. If you are in Australia, into technology or elearning, I strongly recommend you attend his sessions, you can check them out here and contact your local Australian Flexible Learning Framework person to book.

I am lucky enough to be attending his sessions in both Perth and Melbourne but I am bit very pissed off that I will be missing “50 Web 2,0 Ways to Tell a Story”. After listening to a large portion of the 50 Domino stories, and Elisabeth Clark pointing out participants in the workshop will use one of 49 Web 2.0 tools to create a story—what can I say? sense of ripped off. I would really love to see how he runs this workshop!

Then I discovered that I would also be missing the “Small Precious Web Gems” workshop – major bugger! I gained so much from working through his 50 story tools and 50 Domino stories so now will need to work through his precious gem list on my own!


So does missing two workshops that I really wanted to attend mean I deserve my money back? mmm probably NOT!

Wonder how work would feel about me flying to the other venues to attend the workshops I am missing out on? mmm definitely NOT! Party poopers!

Okay — will work through his precious gem list on my own! If you want to join me in reviewing them let me know and we work together.

Thanks Alan for the interview.

Special thanks to Jo Kay and Sean Fitzergerald for helping me out with screen captures in Second Life that I have used on Alan Levine’s videos. Especially like to thank Jo for giving me a dress to make me look prettier in Second Life and Sean for taking me on a tour of Second Life (and giving me new skin —which apparently is a SL must! — think he got sick of me complaining!).

4 responses to “Holidays–Less or more of Sue? Well must mean time for Alan Levine Interview!”

  1. Annelieske Noteboom Avatar
    Annelieske Noteboom

    Hi Sue
    We are doing pretty well with our college paying for us to be in Melbourne for a whole week. That just about blows the budget left over from last year’s mLearning projects. You have a very understanding director and program manager.

    The thought of you in a dress is intriguing – even if it is in second life – because it is not something I’ve experienced in real life.



  2. Nice work Sue! 😉 Great to see you in SL and exploring…and you’re very welcome on jokaydia – newbie skin or not! LOL!

    Fab interview with Alan too! 😉


  3. Annelieske
    I am grateful that our College has given us this opportunity to come to this conference and see Alan Levine’s Melbourne presentation. But can’t harm a person to ask?

    Dress is like a once a year event.

    Thanks for all your help in SL. I love Jokaydia as it feels comfortable and friendly. Thanks for feedback on interview.


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