Life’s been a bit tougher the past 12+ months which is why there’s been less of Sue around than previously.

And off course, during the same period I’ve also been a bit accident prone so some of my friends, who have been there when I’ve needed them, have decided it’s time for a smile and laugh.

So as a bit of harmless fun they’ve created the Sue Waters’s Injury Sweepstake.

I’ve been lead to believe if I make it to 30 Sept, 2011 without an injury I win the prize of REAL chocolate 😎

As Phil say’s it all started from his gentle teasing of me being prone to accidents and perhaps we should run a sweepstake on it.

Considering I’ve injured myself three times in the past 12 months — there might be some truth in being accident prone.

History of accidents are:

  1. April 2010 – Grade 2 tear of calf muscle in right leg trying to change the tyre (tire) on my car while on holidays
  2. July 201 0– drove car into a concrete pole in a car park breaking fourth metacarpal of my left hand
  3. Feb 2011 – fell over when car stuck behind boon gate in public car park damaging ligaments in left foot


But am I really accident prone?

My accidents were annoying, and let’s be honest, quite funny.

But evidence suggests that others are like me 🙂

In the same time period my sisters both injured themselves (walking):

  1. Aug 2010 – middle sister badly fractured left ankle
  2. Dec 2011 – oldest sister broke her left arm/wrist and shattered right shoulder ball joint

Placing your bets

So for a bit of a chuckle, and fun, check out the current suggestions of how I might next injury myself, when and the cause of the accident.  There are some really funny suggestions.

And off course, while there add your own suggestions to the Sue Waters’s Injury Sweepstake.

Wish Phil had made it so my children couldn’t enter 😦  They’ve been plotting how they could rig it 🙂

3 responses to “My chances of winning all the chocolate ARE?”

  1. While it is certainly NOT funny that you (& your sister) have injured yourselves….the Sue Water’s Injury Sweepstake IS!!!!

    What I like best is that you can poke fun at yourself and thereby show that we are all human and need to laugh every now and then.

    Hope you STAY well!!!!

    Thanks for the chuckle.


  2. Thanks Nancy and glad others have seen it for as it is and opportunity to have a chuckle. And I’m just glad I’m not as accident prone as my older sisters.


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