I use TweetScan all the time to effectively manage conversations in Twitter that I want to track e.g. replies to my twitter name dswaters and any other variations people have used e.g. suewaters and tags like Edublogs.

With the number of people I follow I need TweetScan as my eyes and ears. By subscribing to the RSS feed for the tracking term using my feed reader I’m notified through Google Reader whenever anyone, anywhere, tweeters that term.

Unfortunately – DUH – I have had a bit of a delay in realising that TweetScan stopped scanning 36 hours ago and I wasn’t receiving the updates.

Not to fear! I just changed over to another twitter tracking tool – Terraminds – added these the RSS feeds for my terms to my Twitter folder in Google Reader and programming has now recommenced.

Here is how I subscribed to TweetScan using my Google Reader. You use the same procedure for Terraminds.

Here are some of my other tips for Getting More Out of Twitter.


Proof – it is possible for me to quickly write a post, one handed, while drying my hair, with 2 kids fighting in the background, while drinking a glass of water!

If you aren’t tracking tag terms in twitter I strongly recommend you try it out.

5 responses to “Oh NO! Is Your Scanner Down And You Didn’t Realise?”

  1. […] IP Down Under wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptI use TweetScan all the time to effectively manage conversations in Twitter that I want to track eg replies to my twitter name dswaters and any other variations people have used eg suewaters and tags like Edublogs. … […]


  2. […] IP Down Under wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt […]


  3. Sue, thank you for reminding me to get organised, been meaning for ages to do Tweetscan, and now don’t need to thanks to the hat tip for Terraminds which I do need to do…
    (Typed whilst two kids are for once playing nicely and quietly next to each other on Runescape…!)


  4. Thank you for all of your posts. I find them so helpful,practical and interesting. Please keep up all this great work and I hope I have time soon, to sit down, play with all your great instructions and apply them.


  5. Hi Laura – I think there is value in having both running. TweetScan looks like it has started back – intermittently – there are slight differences in the naming of their feeds. TweetScan’s in more obvious in Google Reader. amazing how computer games can keep them quiet.

    I’m glad you enjoy my practical posts Anne. The key with tracking in twitter is to have a purpose why you use it. It really helps me with writing my posts for the Edublogger since it lets me know what questions people are asking. Also helps me not to miss those important replies.


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